Webinaari: Building a career in a foreign country

Artists Meetup! event in Gallery Huuto 8.6.2023, kuva: Aukusti Heinonen

Webinaari kuvataiteilijoille
Building a career in a foreign country
Torstaina 23.11.2023 klo 16-18

Kuvataiteen talon syksyn viimeisessä webinaarissa keskustellaan kolmen asiantuntijavieraan, Laura Horellin, Farbod Fakharzadehin ja Jussi Koitelan kanssa taiteilija-ammatista kansainvälisessä ympäristössä. Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen.

Laura Horelli peilaa puheenvuorossaan kansainvälistä taidekenttää ja poliittisia valtasuhteita, kuten Euroopan vaikutusta globaaliin etelään. Horelli asuu ja työskentelee Berliinissä Saksassa ja toimii taiteellisen työnsä ohessa osa-aikaisena luennoitsijana Kölnin yliopistossa.

Farbod Fakharzadeh nostaa puheenvuorossaan esiin yhteisöllisyyden ja kohtaamisen tärkeyttä Suomessa asuvan maahanmuuttajataustaisen taiteen ammattilaisen näkökulmasta. Fakharzadeh on taiteen maisteri, joka osallistuu tällä hetkellä HIAP:n kaksivuotiseen kuraattoriohjelmaan.

Jussi Koitela vastaa työssään Frame Contemporary Art Finlandin ohjelmapäällikkönä organisaationsa kansainvälisistä ohjelmista. Koitela pohtii puheenvuorossaan diversiteetin, kansainvälisyyden ja kulttuurien kohtaamisen merkitystä taiteen tekemisessä.

Webinar for visual artists
Building a career in a foreign country
Thursday 23rd of November 4-6pm

Welcome to the 4th webinar of the year organized by the House of Visual Arts. Our webinar theme revolves around Building a career in a foreign country. Join us for a discussion led by three speakers – Farbod Fakharzadeh, Laura Horelli and Jussi Koitela. They will delve into topics such as internationality, globalization, and the challenges faced by immigrant artists in today’s political landscape.

The webinar is open to all artist members of the House of Visual Arts member organizations, free of charge. The event is held in English and will be conducted remotely on the Zoom platform. The webinar will be recorded and accessible to registered participants for six months after the session.

The registration for the webinar closes on 22nd of November 2023 4pm.

We want to emphasize that all House of Visual Arts events are dedicated to providing a Safer space for everyone.

Farbod Fakharzadeh. Photo: Laura Iisalo

Farbod Fakharzadeh is an artist, curator and producer based in Helsinki who holds a master’s degree in Visual Culture, Curating and Contemporary Art from Aalto University. His work deals with concepts of memory-work and history-politics and revolves around notions of collective construction, regenerative agency, and alternative ways of dreaming and working.

Over the past years, Farbod has co-initiated and been part of several Finland-based projects in relation to commoning, collectivity, and resource sharing. He has worked as a co-artistic director for Catalysti Ry and currently works as a lecturer and curriculum advisor at Node Center for curatorial studies and a producer for Kenno Filmi. He is a curatorial resident at HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme during the 2023- 2024 period.

In this webinar, Farbod is going to touch upon challenges for immigrant art workers in Finland in general and especially in the face of the current political situation and the necessity of collective organizing, creating support systems and a shift in our working methods.

Jussi Koitela. Photo: Ilkka Saastamoinen

Jussi Koitela is currently working as the Head of Programme at Frame Contemporary Art Finland, curating Rehearsing Hospitalities public programme together with Yvonne Billimore 2019-2023. With Billmore they are currently curating the Finnish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2024. Recently, his curatorial work has intertwined art, embodied research methods, urban spatial contexts, collaboration, hospitality practices and materiality in various forms of exhibition and ways of producing knowledge.

In this webinar, Koitela will share his thoughts on the subject the artist career as a cultural exchange.

Internationality is a discussion of commonalities and differences. Meaningful art and, through it, an artist’s career, only emerge through dialogues with diverse backrounds, histories, social and cultural contexts, and environments. 

By knowing and being aware of own starting points and backgrounds, as well as understanding how others perceive them, an artist can participate in cultural discussions and make their work meaningful in diverse settings.

Laura Horelli. Photo: Ellen Amutenya

Laura Horelli lives in Berlin and has been working as an independent visual artist and filmmaker since 2001. Currently she has the media art grant of the Arts Promotion Center Finland for the years 2023-2025. Additionally she is a part-time lecturer at the Intermedia department of the University of Cologne. Laura Horelli was born in 1976 in Helsinki, grew up partly in Nairobi and London.

In this webinar, Horelli will speak about transnational artistic work. Her contribution will look at examples of transnational artistic work in a context dominated by nation states, and the continuing power relations between Europe and the Global South.

Central to Horelli’s practice is artistic research in private and public archives. Images often serve as a starting point in trying to address silenced topics and trauma. In recent years she has been particularly interested in the historical relations of Finland and former East Germany to Namibian resistance movements, ranging from (quasi) colonialism to international solidarity.

Producer Helka Westö, helka@kuvataiteentalo.fi

Vertaismentorointiohjelma ja webinaarit ovat osa Kuvataiteen talon ja sen jäsenorganisaatioiden yhteistä palvelukehitystyötä, jonka ensimmäinen vaihe kohdentuu taiteen tekijöille suunnattuihin palveluihin. Kehittämishanketta on tukenut Taiteen edistämiskeskus.

Kuvataiteen talo

KUVATAITEEN TALO on 19 taiteilijavetoisen kuvataideorganisaation yhteistyöhanke. Kehitämme näkemyksellisesti uutta yhteistyötapaa, edistyksellistä digitaalista toimintaympäristöä sekä ainutlaatuisia yhteisiä toimitiloja.

KUVATAITEEN TALO on valmistuttuaan korkealuokkaisen näyttelytoiminnan, kiinnostavien tapahtumien, uudenlaisen taidekaupan ja moninaisen taideyhteisön elävä koti.