House of Visual Art's Safer Space Guidelines
The guidelines for safer space are followed in the activities and events of the House of Visual Arts. We ask everyone participating in our activities respect our common guidelines and to create a safe and respectful space for everyone.
Let’s not assume.
Let’s not not define experiences for anyone, and generalize our own experiences to others. Let’s not make assumptions about anyone's sexuality, gender, nationality, religion, values, socio-economic background, health, appearance or ability to function, but respect everyone's right to self-determination.
Let’s respect others.
Let’s respect the personal physical, psychological and emotional space of another. Let’s remember that we cannot know another's boundaries without asking them, and we do not touch another without asking their permission. We ask if something bothers you.
Let’s pay attention.
Let’s care about the people around us. Let’s listen and encourage. Let’s pay attention to the language we use and our non-verbal communication. Let’s speak in a way that doesn't shut out.
Let’s give space to others.
Let’s take responsibility for the experience of other participants. Let’s make sure that everyone has space to participate in the discussion and that we treat sensitive topics with respect. If necessary, we can also ask for space for ourselves.
Let’s intervene.
If we witness unpleasant, disturbing or offensive behavior, let’s intervene. If an accident happens and we offend someone else - let’s apologize for our actions (not the other's experience). Let’s not underestimate even unintentional behavior.
If you experience inappropriate behaviour or harassment, please get in touch with the staff at the House of Visual Arts and/or the event organizers. We strive to ensure the safety of everyone, and we would greatly appreciate any feedback regarding our operations.
What constitutes discrimination?
Under the Non-Discrimination Act, no one may be discriminated against on the basis of their age, origin, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, trade union activity, family relationships, state of health, disability, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.
Everyone has the right to equal treatment, and discrimination is prohibited by many of Finnish national laws, as well as international human rights treaties.
When creating these guidelines, we have studied the principles of several different organisations and made use of them to formulate our own. The guidelines have been implemented in the spring of 2023 as part of the piloting of the first events of the House of Visual Arts.